
July 28, 2012

Lost and Found Art

Just thought I would share some of the finds as I have been packing up our house in preparation to move. Interesting to see the collection of art that I have amassed.
drawing from Oct. 26, 1992 by me

by me, age unknown... hopefully 6-7ish

by Grace Geralds to me, puts it at 4th grade, so age 8-10

from highschool by someone else

by John Morrison to me, of my now husband, from high school

from a coworker from my years working at Tom Thumb, 2004

by my brother, date unknown

from Carol Mackiewicz, who blog is linked to the right, circa 2009


July 27, 2012


As of today my husband and I are officially homeowners. The last week has been spent packing, packing and more packing. We move in on monday so expect a few more days of a lack of posts. Apologies. But as anyone knows, moving is a PAIN!

July 13, 2012

More Fishes and a Little Me

Sorry for the absence... I went on vacation for a week to visit some good friends for the 4th of July. Ate good food, saw Foamhenge, drank wine, watched fireworks, etc.

I of course felt the need to make them Fish Hats of their own as a kind of "thanks for having us" gift.
One I made with a teacher in mind and the other is a Ghost fish, since she likes ghosts.
The Ghost fish with black hole eyes.

The teacher fish, so called because I see pencils when I look at this one.

My good friend is also a crocheter... person who crochets.... whatever. And I was surprised on the last day of our trip with a pair of Little Me's as I call them now. In case you do not know us, they are meant to look like my husband and I.

I could not be more thrilled. With my blue hair and the button eyes I have been told I look like Coraline, which only adds to the awesome! I plan on doing one thing to mine: making some tiny glasses for her.

My new traveling companion.