My Patterns

All patterns here are by me, Angela Skees, of and are licensed under a Creative Commons License. These patterns are for personal use only. 

If you wish to make items from the pattern for sale please don’t sell them online, but you may sell them locally. Feel free to give items made from this pattern as gifts. Please do not sell, reproduce or distribute the pattern anywhere, instead share a link to my original blog posts.

If you find any errors, have any questions, or wish to ask for patterns, email me at angela dot skees at gmail dot com.
Full Multi Page PDF Patterns 
(patterns $5 through Paypal, email me for info)

The Socktopus


Fair Isle Crochet Hats: all from the same base pattern


Spock-topus (A Mr. Spock Octopus Hybrid)

Amigurumi Edits
(Part modifications for other people's patterns)
